July 27th 2019 (Sat) The 2nd research meeting of Malawi SATREPS Project was held at JICA Ichigaya Building (JICA Research Institute)
July 26th 2019 (Fri) The 2nd study meeting of Malawi SATREPS Project was held at JICA Headquarter (Tokyo) and we discussed the detailed operation plan of the project, equipment, and the schedule and purpose of the detailed planning survey.
July 13th (Sat) ~ July 23rd (Tue) 2019 The principal researcher Tetsu Sato and research member Atsushi Maruyama visited Malawi, and met with researchers from Malawi side, traditional chief of Chembe Village, Mangochi district officials and project related organizations to announce that project is selected. In addition, we discussed regarding the structure of Malawi research team, and we made surveys for potential equipment. Small solar pump as a candidate equipment.
July 6th 2019 (Sat) The 1st research meeting of Malawi SATREPS project was held at Tokyo University of Agriculture, Setagaya Campus.
July 5th 2019 (Fri) The 1st study meeting of Malawi SATREPS project was held at JICA Headquarters, Tokyo.